The MBMS Prelude Program

A 2-Level Introductory Certificate Program in Alexander Technique & Body Mapping Applied to Music Education & Performance

For Musicians & Music Teaching Professionals – Vocal & Instrumental

Now accepting applications.

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What is the MBMS Prelude Program?

Dear Colleague,

MBMS Founder & Director Peter Jacobson here.

Thank you for your interest in The MBMS Prelude Program, a 2-level introductory certificate program designed to give you a comprehensive introduction to the principles and practices of the Alexander Technique and Body Mapping as applied to music education and performance. 

Level I consists of 40 hours of study and Level II consists of 80 hours of study. 

Over the years, through the various iterations of this program, it's been so exciting to watch program participants discover the most expansive, healthy and creative version of themselves through this program.

This program is geared towards:

  • Music Teaching Professionals (studio music teachers, classroom teachers, ensemble directors, coaches) – who are looking for new ideas to bring greater power, creativity and impact to your work. 
  • Vocal and/or Instrumental Musicians – who have a deep interest in reaching their full artistic potential.

As the program name suggests, this is the prelude to all other advanced levels of study within the Mind Body Music School.

This page contains important information about the curriculum, how the program works, and other important course details. If you are excited by what you see on this page, I invite you to complete the application or reach out to me personally so we can talk further.

In Music,
Peter Jacobson
Founder & Director
The Mind Body Music School

How The Program Will Benefit You

This program will benefit many areas of your life:

Your Artistry

  • Get full access to your artistic potential
  • Discover creative new ways of expressing yourself

Your Body

  • Experience natural relief from tension, pain and stress
  • Learn how your body is designed to move most efficiently and naturally

Your Practicing & Performing

  • Learn how to increase your focus, concentration and self-awareness
  • Learn lasting and effective solutions to deal with performing-related fear and anxiety

Your Health & Well-Being

  • Enjoy greater vitality and energy
  • Learn how to find peace of mind and calm in your teaching and life

Your Teaching

  • Help your students solve body and voice tension problems more effectively 
  • Experience more ease and spaciousness in your teaching

The program includes: 

  • A practical curriculum specifically designed for musicians & music educators
  • A warm and nurturing learning environment
  • A supportive and non-competitive community 
  • Engaging and meaningful discussions
  • Experiential learning activities and movement explorations
  • Respect for each person’s unique individual journey

How to Program Works

This is a "choose your own adventure" program meaning that you'll put together a course of study that works best for you and your needs.  

The only required course is "Body Freedom for Musicians: The Alexander Technique & Body Mapping in Action" which must taken at the beginning of your studies. This course is offered as part of the MBMS Academy Community or as a standalone course at various times throughout the year. 

After you complete that course you can earn your hours through a variety of ways: 

  • The MBMS Academy Community Classes
  • MBMS Online Courses
  • Live Events – 1-Day City Workshops and Retreats

Other Important Info

  • Level I certification be earned entirely online. 
  • After Level I you will be eligible to join the MBMS Pro Teacher Training Program.
  • Level II certification requires a minimum of 20 hours of live in-person study.
  • 80% of your hours must be earned through live attendance. 20% of your hours can be earned through watch recordings of online classes. 

An Important Note

Students who complete the program requirements will be awarded an official certificate of study for each level they complete. These certificates will signify that you have a basic intellectual and embodied understanding of the Alexander Technique and Body Mapping and their direct application to music education and performance.

This program does NOT certify you as a teacher of the Alexander Technique.

However, after Level I you have the option of applying for the MBMS Pro Teacher Training Program.

If you have any questions, please email program director Peter Jacobson.

Student Testimonials


Your tuition for the MBMS Prelude Program will vary depending on the curriculum that you select. You can roughly plan to invest the following: 

  • Level I (40 Hours) – $750 to $1,250
  • Level II (80 Hours) – $1,500 to $2,500

There is a $100 administration fee for each level paid at the beginning of your studies.


Limited need-based scholarships. To receive scholarship funding you must have the capacity to participate fully in the program and be able to say, in good faith, that you wouldn't be able to participate without financial assistance. If you meet these criteria, you can indicate your interest in a scholarship on the application form.

If you have any questions about tuition, incentives or scholarships, please email program director Peter Jacobson.

 How to Apply

Acceptance into the program is by application only.

After you complete your application, Peter will be in touch within 2 business days to talk about next steps.

Apply Now